Warmachine MKIV Battlegroups available for order!

 You can now order the preview battlegroups from Privateer Press' webstore!  Khador, Cygnar, and Orgoth.Yes, I ordered at least one.  I can't deny I may have ordered all three.  What did you expect?

A bunch of Privateer Press/Warmachine news and updates

Well, PP isn't wasting any time with more MKIV news/previews and information. A lore overview of the new Dusk faction (and House Kallyss army) I would've preferred basically ANY art associated with it.  Give me a damn solo, or something.  This is fine, but...

Warmachine MKIV rules changes, and first impressions

Well, PP has put the beta rules up for the new edition! Check it out!  I was kind of hoping they'd have them up a little earlier, but I guess there was some issue holding it up, which given that they've been working on this for a long time, doesn't fill me with...

Troops Choice Thought Excersize 3

 So if was throwing it all down, what would I do ?  What could it look like ?  Up there in this pict are the Valhallans and some of the others who routinely share the same large figure case.  You'll recognise Capt Chenkov front and centre. ...

New version of Warmachine announced!

 Image from the Privateer Press websiteWell, in case you hadn't noticed, Warmachine is getting a new version!Here is the press release.Here are some more details about the new version.I wanted to spend a few minutes talking about my thoughts about the new...