Hobby Update 09.12.21- Desert Trees

Hi strangers! It's been a long time since I posted, but I have been very busy with real life in recent months. I moved house and started my own gaming club. This extra hobby time has eaten into my blogging, but I thought I would share some hobby updates. I've...

Blogger feck up

 This post is here:https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/9010917663653102321/7922895464128798132Cheers blogger. 

Helghan WIPs

So they have been mostly coloured in and I thought you might be interested, especially if you've ever played KillZone. There is a plan to improve the lenses.  A pin head of white in the orange lens and then a final wash of yellow ink should make them look like...

Genestealer Cult – Corrupted Hierarch

 Today we have a return to a favourite project of mine, the genestealer cult, or, in this case, the genestealer coven. This is an idea that goes back to the very beginnings of the genestealer cult, when a desperate patriarch might seek power from the dark Gods....