Dark Future Games Has Moved

 Dear Blogging Brethren and readers. DFG has been reborn and relocated to another platform. DFG has its own domain and platform now. I started this blog painting with markers and I honestly didn't know there was a such thing as plastic glue ... for the whole...

Civil War VI Results and Coverage

 Incoming Transmission... War Head Civil War, the shining beacon in our annual calendar, is again behind us for another year. This one must have been the best one yet, as everyone was really pushing themselves creatively and artistically to produce amazing...

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Clade Eversor Assassin

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️3.5/5 stars. Rounded down. The only assassin worth taking to be candid with you.Background.Implanted with sensors. Beefed up on training. Administered with frenzy in chemical form. Held in a...

‘nids part 364 – Leviathan bone

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Leviathan Tyranids this has been a slow process over the last few months and even then limited progress. The Neurotyrant has just had it's bone applied.But I also spotted a chitinous...

Continuing a Love/Hate relationship…

 o/I haven't even cracked open the book yet.I bought this on a whim as the FLGS had it discounted. I also got the free mini that came with it, that of Medal of Honor recipient Francis S. Currey. I may pick up the new and finally in plastic winter US infantry, or...

Thunderer Struck! (Part 1)

 Here is the next unit of my recently acquired second-hand Warhammer Fantasy Dwarves to receive my attention. I have already updated their bases from 20mm to 25mm.Rebased.Like the previous unit, I intend to just paint over the existing paint job. Weirdly, this...