Civil War Rising

It's the Civil War season and the big day is a mere month away! Our annual "main event" for War Head crew's internal bragging rights and shared hobby inspiration is played on Saturday 28th of September. The occasion is very much already messing with our heads - is...

Hobby Season 2023/24 Review

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity The 2023/24 Hobby Season (the Season of Blood) draws to a close, and how did I do? So lets start with my first task:Develop a more healthy hobby/life balance - go to bed at a decent hour[ish]   I need...

Il-Kaithe Guardian Defender Squad is complete!

 o/All ready to get obliterated at the enemy's earliest possible convenience!Well, I milked this squad for all they were worth, now didn't I? (4) posts till completion equals 2.75 models per post (counting 11 with the separate model for the star cannon). It...

Necron Dynasty – Ophydian Destroyers w/ Plasmacyte

Hello All, thanks for dropping by. The latest addition to the Dynasty is a squad of Ophydian Destroyers.Ophydian Destroyers echo elements of servile Canoptek Wraiths and reviled Flayed Ones in their murder-optimised bodies. Tunnelling through solid ferrocrete with...

Painted: Emperor’s Children Assault Squad

One fully painted Emperor's Children Assault Squad!11 members, 2x power axe, sergeant with twin lightning claws, shields all round for the rest. The idea here is to take advantage of the Emperor's Children in build advantages and swing fast whilst getting into...

‘nids part 363 – Leviathan bases and basecoats

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Leviathan Tyranids but this was from the beginning of July! I shaded them alongside my Adeptus Titanicus LancersNow I'm starting their highlights but it was handy to have done this menial...

Undead – Vampire Knight

Today we have a miniature I've been slowly ticking over in between other projects. It's taken months of five minutes here and ten minutes there to complete him. But finally, Stephane Dreux, vampire knight, is finished.This fellow is a mounted vampire knight by Reaper...

A short break

I decided to take the a little break from painting Trolls this week. I may be on a deadline but I'm chugging along nicely with the army as a whole and I needed a bit of a pallete cleanser.I'm also waiting on a few more models to arrive before my final push on the...

The Santa Dwarves Demise (Part 3)

Finally, I have finished this unit. But before I celebrate that,  let's get to know Bluebeaed. And here is Bluebeard, the Champion who leads the former Santa Regiment. Adorned in garish color choices, most of which are metallic, and a crude attempt at...