Downsizing ‘da Groop

 lol, I'm sure that just by that title alone Neverness has a knot in the pit of his stomach, and perhaps rightly so.It isn't news to anybody that I don't play near as often as I once did, which has only been exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic. Thus my pile o'...

Making progress on painting up my caverns.

 o/One of these is not like the others...Welp, this project is going faster than I expected. After trying one or two color combos I just opted to go super easy, with a simple dry brushed layer of Bleached Bone over Testors Light Earth flat spray...

The underworld expands!

I ordered another set of caves and they arrived this past week. I just love these things and probably spent an hour or so just putting this layout together, assembling and reassembling so as to use every piece that I have. The full layout though as always, once...

So long to this wretched year!

 o/2020 has been an awful year for most everyone. Rather than recap my personally experienced horrors, I'll instead let ya know where things stand as this ol' blog has been fairly quiet here of late. First up:, I based my 15mm Quar kickstarter army and...

The caves have arrived!

 o/With the pieces fitting together like a puzzle without a picture to go by, I'll likely never assemble the same board twice. I love this stuff and as I've stated previously, I need moar!!! This bunch here clocked in at $100 and it almost fills a third of...