Returning to the realm of the living…

 o/They're just a little side project...Yes, I alive again and as such I managed to get in a little bit of hobbying this past weekend. First up: I assembled my new squad of Demiurg allies to go with my Tau army. These will be used as an auxiliary support...

Thankfully September has come to an end…

 o/Loren succumbs to the lure of Chaos...Yeah, September wasn't a good month for me. It started out alright, however at about the week following my last post a coworker who thought he 'just had a cold' instead gave me covid. Which I in turn gave to my fiancĂ©, who...

Thankfully September has come to an end…

 o/Loren succumbs to the lure of Chaos...Yeah, September wasn't a good month for me. It started out alright, however at about the week following my last post a coworker who thought he 'just had a cold' instead gave me covid. Which I in turn gave to my fiancĂ©, who...

Making progress on painting up my caverns.

 o/One of these is not like the others...Welp, this project is going faster than I expected. After trying one or two color combos I just opted to go super easy, with a simple dry brushed layer of Bleached Bone over Testors Light Earth flat spray...

The underworld expands!

I ordered another set of caves and they arrived this past week. I just love these things and probably spent an hour or so just putting this layout together, assembling and reassembling so as to use every piece that I have. The full layout though as always, once...