6/12/14: Finished: Legio Ursas Alaska-themed Warhound Titan

6/12/14: Finished: Legio Ursas Alaska-themed Warhound Titan

Howdy folks!This last month has been a lot of fun, getting to play with all these Forge World super heavy titans! As soon as I wrapped up the first Warhound, I got another commission to do a second! This one was open to my artistic interpretation, so I played around...
6/7/14: Finished: Evil Sunz Ork Morkanaut

6/7/14: Finished: Evil Sunz Ork Morkanaut

Howdy folks!So I ordered a Morkanaut as soon as I saw the model and, unlike most of my orders, it came in the day it was released! Huzzah! I picked it up yesterday and got right to work on him! I'm very happy with how he turned out, I love being able to knock out the...
6/6/14: Finished: Nurgle Daemon Prince and Forgefiend

6/6/14: Finished: Nurgle Daemon Prince and Forgefiend

Hey guys!Sorry for the week of silence here! I was in Moab last weekend, celebrating one year together with my girlfriend, so the end of the week and early this week was devoted to that. Its beautiful country, and I've never been camping, so it was quite an...