Scatter Terrain with White Tanks Hobbies

White Tanks Hobbies offers a variety of 3D printed details in 28mm and similar scales. Using various bits from the WTH range I created a few pieces of scatter terrain for use in modern tabletop games such as Infinity, The Walking Dead: All Out War, and others.When...

Everything I Painted in 2023

I did one of these last year mostly as an exercise in accountability; it turned out to be a great way of remembering just what I’d achieved on the hobby front and I resolved to repeat the endeavour again this year.Last year’s headline figure was a grand total of 255...

Pikemen and Gendarmes and Bears, oh my!

I rarely post about painted units, but I'll make an exception for this lot - this is the core of a new(ish) army intended for the Swiss-Burgundian and Italian Wars, using Simon Miller's To The Strongest! rules (and in time the Renaissance set he's been...

Everything I painted in 2022

 I'm starting 2023 as I mean to go on - late.Let's not beat around the bush, this is just another roundup post - but at least in this instance none of the figures here have been shown off yet, so it's all new never-before seen stuff.2022 was an...

Xenomorphs for Stargrave: Outpost 37

 I've been assembling some Xenomorphs from Gale Force Nine. I got a little grumpy about some of the tails on the Warriors, but in retrospect, that was only 3-4 figures out of 24. Likewise, the foot locking points for one or two figures made me grumpy, but again...