Batman the game…

So to try to keep the momentum going ( albeit slowly ) on writing up on here.. let's show off a few of the gaming figures I have been painting up as of late..I am still not able to really get into any major or larger pieces due to moving soon ( again ) and space in...

Diorama: The Death of Marshal Poulain

I've done a few small dioramas in my time, and recently I felt the need to paint some 28mm models again.  I'm taking a break from my 2mm posts to bring you this diorama which depicts the (fictional) death of Marshal Poulain at the Battle of Talavera. Some of you might...

Retro Monday #8: Trojan!

A very early vehicle for this blog here. A scratchbuilt/kitbashed open-topped Imperial Guard Trojan, from back when this blog was young, and actually all about AFVs for my now dusty Imperial Guard army. Hard to believe it's from 2010.

Rogue Stars…First Project of 2017

For the first project of 2017, I've decided to build some models for a ruleset I picked up over the holidays: Rogue Stars from Osprey.Rogue Stars is a Sci-Fi skirmish game based around 3 to 6 figures that uses a mission/location/complication generator to create...

The Bear Clan: – Part 4 Finished

Hi everyone,So I have finally finished my first new unit for my Sylvan Army in decades!  I am extremely happy with my new found dedication to getting things done.  I hope this work-drive does not die out in the new year.So all I had left to paint up was the...