Primaris Master and a Pile of Late Christmas Gifts

This past week I needed to submit my army list for the LVO 2019. After putting together a new Dark Angels list, I realized I only needed to paint up one new figure. This is the promotional Primaris Captain figure, repurposed as a Primaris Master. He fits in...

Deathwatch Kill Team Complete

As the year draws to a close, I finally finished my Deathwatch Kill Team 12-man campaign roster. I'd completed 5 of these guys finished the last 7 today.And here they are. Team now includes 2 Primaris figures: one Intercessor and one Reaver.Well, a fun...

Juweela – SORTIMENTBOX BASE (28mm)

In the past, in the pages of this blog I have already described for you many sets available on the market to facilitate the creation of scenic bases and dioramas. Today I want to show you one almost universal set from Juweela.W przeszłości na łamach tego bloga...

Catching Up On Some Terrain Pieces

Hello!I haven't posted for a while. I've been slogging away on a couple of large projects...all having to do with Kill Team terrain. First off, I wanted to paint a Kill Team board. I started with this section of the Realms of Battle board. It's 2' x 2'...and it took...

Deathwatch Figures for Kill Team

All right. Time to get some Kill Team on the game table.My first set of models for KT is this group of Deathwatch figures. To get the black armor, I sprayed Oil Discharge (a dark blue-black) Ghost Tint over silver. Then a final coat of Nuln Oil was sprayed over top of...