The State of my 40k (yes this is includes a rant).

o/(kicks the dust off of this ol' blog to see if its still alive...)So, the State of my 40k, my on-again off-again series where I usually just whine/rant about 40k. Rather than just focus on any one army this time I think I'll just do an overview of all of them. Big...
From the Sky..

From the Sky..

After talking about the Swooping Hawks yesterday I dug around in my box to find out how many I actually have. Alot, I have alot haha.. I have 18 unpainted or in need of stripping (the 2 dark blue on the left) and I have 8 more built and painted .. 1 is the converted...
A mixed bag..

A mixed bag..

Last night I only got a little painting in but did get some other stuff built. The Crimson Hunter's details are coming along and just need to finish up the gems with their highlights and finish out the cockpit.I'm also building some terrain for our local gaming store,...
Whats old is new again..

Whats old is new again..

The Dark Elves are now out .. and since I have no plans to play Fantasy I'm going to be posting up my Dark Elves up on eBay. I figured I'd post some of it up here in case anyone is interested. Most of it isn't painted, it's together and some is primed. I tried to play...

Datafax incoming

Boom.. it's 1997. And the first real Eldar vehicle is coming soon! haha.. Last weekend I was moving stuff around and I pulled this out. Like I was saying, I've been playing Eldar for a long while and I usually only pick up White Dwarf if it's something I care about. I...