Ash Waste gangers

Here are the Ash Wasters I have painted to-date. A mix of the original Confrontation era minis and Colony 87 minis. Loads of fun to paint, and quick too!

Abaddon the Despoiler

Finally got around to taking half-decent pictures of this lad. Fun to paint him up to match his bodyguard and actually got him ready for the launch of 8th edition..... remember that?

Black Legion Terminators

Soon to be Abaddon's body guard, these 5 were painted up recently to match my existing 2nd ed style Black Legion marines. Fun to paint, with loads of weird details.

World Eater Tactical Squad

What the what?!? you might say... Well... Years back, I managed to purchase an unreleased Khorne Berzerker sculpt. The mini was just the body and head. Sometime later I purchased a copy of Jes Goodwin's sketch book. Within that amazing tome is this image. That's...

Completed RT Thousand Sons Squad

I've actually had these blighters finished up for a few weeks, just been lazy in getting a group shot of them. Very happy with how they turned out, and should be fun to get them on the table once 8th arrives.