Pre Heresy Death Guard Deathshroud Terminators Showcase

Hi All,Doc here with another showcase post.  As I paint towards the Scribes of War Heresy event in Stratford at the end of the month I expect a couple of posts before it as I finish off the remaining units.  I will then do an after action report to showcase...

New Toys! So many new toys!!

Seriously, its like painting paralysis! Where do I start?? Worse yet I'm completely out of the oh-so-essential bleached bone, and am down to the last, sad dregs of my Mephiston red...but who needs those colors right? Yeah...I do. I was going to work on my...

30k Breachers

o/Breachers have always been my favorite squad type in 30k, but until now I've never had any. Clocking in at about $100 for a squad of 10 plus shipping from England was too rich for my wallet. Then FW became available in the USA, huzza-wait what? A price increase?...

Lord of the XII Legion – the Killing Ground

So there I was, after last week’s post, with my aquila lander for Azazel’s terrain challenge all primed and ready to go — and then something just jumped the queue. It’s still a terrain project, however, after a fashion. And I am confident...