Imperial Fists Assault Terminators

Hi AllBluddtoof here with more on my Imperial Fists, these assault terminators are dual purpose for me; they form part of my 40k Imperial Fists force and also can proxy in for heresy era terminators in friendly games (I have no plans for competitive heresy...

Heresy Era Imperial Fists; Leviathan Dreadnought

Hi AllBluddtoof here with a long overdue post to showcase my Heresy Imperial Fists Leviathan Dreadnought....My long term goal is to have a mixed force available for both 30k and 40k, with some models unique to one or the other but most able to field in either.The...

The 2018 Eternal Hunt Awards, pt. 1: The Hobbyists

So here we are again, at year’s end, right before Christmas, and in tune with the overal festive mood, I think we should look at some fantastic hobby projects as part of this year’s first instalment of the Eternal Hunt Awards. Yay! Maybe it’s just...

Samuel L Jackson, the Resurrection!

o/Nope, no progress on the mechs, instead...Whilst this pic better suits the mini below, Jules from Pulp Fiction is,I think Samuel's finest acting performance! Waaaaaaaaay back in the day (pre-blog times) I had a sizable Iron Hands army lead by the infamous Iron...