Warhound Titan – pierwsze skÅ‚adanie

Witajcie!Please use Google Translate to get the gist of what I am saying by using the option on top of the side panel. Sorry for it sounding awkward - it makes sense in polish.Ostatnio nie widzicie mnie zbyt czÄ™sto, bo mocno praca mnie...

Nova 2018: Projects complete

 Whelp.. Only a few more days and I'll be off to Nova 2018. Thankfully I've gotten the pieces completed I wanted to bring to Nova this year. I wanted a model for Captain Alvarex, replace my tacticals with Recon models with RG bits, Leviathan Dread and it's Drop...

Mortis walks!

I think I've managed to blow up both my painting points and hobby budget in the most spectacular way possible!Adeptus Titanicus launched last weekend and I bought into it hard. As a result, two Grand Master Editions are currently sitting on my hobby desk, ready to be...

Nitty Gritty

 Last night I got some more work done on the Leviathan. I'm started smoothing some of the blends on the armor and brought up some of the metals adding some brighter highlights. The metal on the base was a little muddy and wanted to add a light brighter areas. I...

Stuck in it

 Thankfully the boys are pretty much 99% .. I think I'm going to do one more black pin wash but that is really it. I think they came out looking good. Gritty ... dirty ... out in that thick of it. I think the the bases match really well with the gritty look....