Ya load up.. you party..

 The Dread Drop Pod is getting close to being done thankfully.. I haven't been feeling so hot this last week so it's slowed me down some. Siph asked if this was the new kit but sadly no.. it's old and as bad as ever haha .. I Mag'd the doors making it...

Plenty of Progress

The weather's finally cooled down here, so my motivation to paint's come rushing back. To celebrate, I finished off a load of models for my Thousand Sons over the weekend!That's a pretty solid chunk of progress. It feels nice to be finally getting on with things, as I...

Danger Strips are a go..

 As Nova quickly approaches we are now under one month.. yikes. Thankfully the Dread is getting closer to be done. I got the Hazard Strips done on the edges of the doors.. it looks good but man what a pain haha I chipped and scratched them a bit.. it's now...

The Warmadillo is complete!

o/Well it took a bit longer than anticipated, but my 30k Auxilia / 40k Imperial Guard Vanquisher tank is finally finished! I'm quite pleased with the model overall, and am not adverse to the idea of getting several more at a later date. For the time being however,...

I hear you knocking.. but you can’t come in..

 This weekend I got some more work done on the pieces for Nova. I started to put in some time into the Dread Drop Pod doors getting most of the Acrylic blending and chipping done. On the outside at least.. tonight my plan is to work on the hazard strips on the...