Drop the Base

 Hey hey .. last night I worked some more on the bases and got the worn white ones started and started to add the other metallics to it as well. Same with the red... now I have to go through and clean up some of the edges and start to add in the rust and the...

Scattershot Progress

My run of random 30k productivity seems to be continuing. This time I've made a start on a crewman for a Quad Mortar and made an Apothecary to go into my Breachers. Both are needed for my planned 3000 point force, but neither are what I'd planned to do when I sat down...

Got my mojo back

It seems that motivation has hit me hard this week. After weeks of not doing much at all, I appear to have my new Consul nearly painted in no time at all!I just have a few details left to finish on him, like the Crystals/ Phosphex Bombs on his chest and a little more...