Struggling on…

o/Yes I survived the weekend, but only just. I still ache all over and feel drained (both mentally and physically). Working in that ungodly heat just sucks the life right out of ya! Especially for one such as I, who is no longer acclimatized to the heat. But no...

30k/40k Rapier Laser Destroyer Conversion

o/So, I've been working to make my 30k armies cross-compatible with 40k as the latter is played much more frequently here locally. So much so that I've been pondering phasing out the 30k part altogether...MOAR DAKKA! Isn't needed in this case...Thus my 30k Imperialis...

2018 Round-Up: The first six months

Hey everyone, a bit of a retrospective for today, as it was my birthday last week, and we also already have the first half of 2018 behind us — what better occasion to take a look the first half of my hobby year, right? When talking about personal hobby output, I...

Salamanders Primaris Intercessor Sergeant

o/Yup, my XVIIIth legion 30k army just got it's first primaris marine! the Blackshields, my Salamanders will be pulling double duty as well. Hell, also like the Blackshields, they're more likely to see action in a game of 40k than they are in 30k...

Catching up

It's been a busy couple of weeks for me. I've had time off and actually gotten a fair amount of hobby time and gaming in, but Pokemon Regionals have meant I haven't really had much time for blogging. It's quite annoying, as I feel like I'm now playing catchup, but...