Meng King Tiger WIP 2

o/I'm chugging along, albeit slowly. The top and rear hulls are now attached and base coated as well. A note on that: being a snap-fit model, once the hull is assembled, it ain't coming apart! So make sure you have the tracks on beforehand as I don't envy anyone...

Aww, its a ‘Cute’ King Tiger!

o/I first saw this model on Inso's World where he's been converting them into Leman Russes of various types. Its adorable and I wanted one to use as a Vanquisher for my 30k Outremar Militia forces. Even with shipping, this clocked in at less than 1/3 the price of...

WIP Grot Tanks

o/I've been wondering what to do with my Rivet Wars Stug walkers. They were originally supposed to be Armored Sentinels for my Grymn IG army, but then my Grymn migrated to 30k and its Imperialis Militia. In 30k they won't work as (1) there are no armored sentinels and...

30k Pariah Medusa / 40k Vindicator is complete!

o/I got in a goodly bit of brush time this week, and opted to spend it on my Medusa/Vindicator. Sure, sure, some Ork units probably deserve paint more than this after last weekend's game, but oh well. They'll just have to wait.The starting point from this tank's last...

Tank Holiday Monday

I said the other day that I planned to start washing and weathering my terrain over the bank holiday weekend. Well that hasn't quite worked out to plan. Between lacking the paints I need and being called into work tonight, it looks like I'm going to have to postpone...