40K Midori Style Scrapbook

So for something a little bit different.I love the boxes that our fantastic plastic miniatures come in and GW do an outstanding job with them, they make great storage boxes and the artwork make them collectible, for me anyway. The same goes for White Dwarf magazines,...

A Primarch and a bit

I haven't posted much  over the last few weeks. Real life has just gotten in the way a little. To make up for it, here's one hell of a progress post for you. I managed to get Horus finished on Monday night!He took far less time than I expected to get done. I...

The State of the Hunt, Week 18/2018: Bad Bank

A bit of a an “in-between” post for this week, as I have both a finished model and a rather elaborate conversion to share with you. Once again, both of these have been taken straight out of the Velsen Sector, the little slice of the INQ28 setting...

First game of 30k and grenadier update

My Praetorians had their first foray into the world of 30K yesterday. A 3000pts battle against an absolutely gorgeous Ultramarine army. It was absolutely brilliant, the game was neck and neck from start to finish and it looked to be heading into a draw in turn 5...

A Terminator-y kind of post

I was planning to put up a few discussion posts alongside some hobby progress over the past few weeks, but work's gotten a little crazy recently so I unfortunately didn't get the time to sit down and write anything. Hopefully I'll be able to sort something out...