Heresy Era Imperial Fists; Characters and Command

Hi AllBluddtoof here with some more of my expanding Heresy Era Imperial Fists; this is quite possibly the most enjoyable army I've ever painted in my 30 years in the hobby. So much fun to do and I'm really pleased with the finish too, so win win for me!This project...

Not much paintin’ but some buildin’ at least…

o/Rather than (*try to*) paint a horde of 30k Salamaders, get bored, and sell 'em off ala my 30k Alpha Legion army, I decided to mix it up a bit and just do a horde of loyalist Istvaan survivors. WHICH...adds in the option of Maybe...

First model of the year

It's a month into 2018 and I realised that I haven't actually painted any models yet, despite playing loads of games.Luckily I have the perfect project lined up to change this state of affairs:Despite having collecting Thousand Sons and had the background for Alto...

Raud the Hunter

Whoa, seems like the numbers of views went through the roof after my last post — which is a slightly bittersweet experience for me: I love the fact that so many people seem to take an interest in my pick of fantastic hobby projects from last year, and all those...