2nd hand vehicle woes…

o/Overcompensating much?Prior to Christmas I picked up a 3rd party Big Momma space marine vindicator for barely more than the price of the conversion kit (plus the shipping cost). Basically the attached rhino hull clocked in at a mere $3, awesome right? Yeah not so...

True Scale – Horus Heresy Iron Warriors – Finished

I finished off the washes and highlights and I am very happy with the end result.The Brass Etched shoulder pad looks really good, a note here is when applying use superglue sparingly as it easily clogs up the details, the cost is way lower than the cast shoulder pads...

True Scale – Horus Heresy Iron Warriors – Painted – WIP

Onto painting the Iron Warrior, I am following my previous colour scheme as it worked very well and I want it to be a direct comparison, the only difference is that I am painting the typical chevron pattern of the Iron Warriors onto the knee pad.To start with I base...