Dreadtober WIP (5): The one armed bandit!

o/No blog post Monday as I had accomplished exactly zilch on the hobby front (not even a game played) from Thursday thru Sunday. Not wanting to repeat that, I ignored my various responsibilities and tossed out my sad excuse for time management shoehorned some hobby...

Dreadtober (WIP 4), a few splashes of paint…

o/Just a quick hit this time (to steal the phrase from Mordian7th).Real life has been a bit time consuming the past few days which has slowed my Dreadtober progress. All the hoses are now painted sotek green, a bucket load of minor (but necessary) touch ups between...

Dreadtober WIP (3): Somebody call the bling police!

Seriously...Bleh, too shiny!Sigh...the gold's looking a bit weak, that means painting yet more of it on.This dread's got enough gold paint on it to make the Emperor's Children blanch (and this is just the base coat)! As you can see, I've laid down the metallic green...

Dreadtober WIP (2)

o/Rather than try and tape off and reprime parts of my dread, I decided to just start base coating it instead. True, this might make the green a tinge darker than it is on the infantry due to the black primer, but as there are so few vehicles in my army to begin with...

Almost ready to get dirty..

 After the initial annoyance that has been the Sicaran I sat down and got some more work done. The tank is getting close to dirty time. I decided to go with bone stripes .. of a sort. The main body stripe goes from the sides to the center main view area. The...