Heavy Boots of Lead…

 The big guy is almost complete.. I was hoping to have him completely done but the slow dry of oils didn't let me finish him up. No biggy I didn't want to rush him. I'm really loving this guy, I usually don't say that much but I'm really happy with him. He's...

I heat up, I can’t cool down…

 The Knight is taking shape... I didn't get him done like I had hoped this weekend but I did get a lot done. I got the Contemptor glued down along with the legs of the Knight. It was some work to get it lined up right but I got it to look pretty good. I...

Salamanders Vigilator

o/Not sure if I like the finished result or not, but at the very least this guy will stand out from the crowd (painted, primed and even bare plastic)! Vigilators are the covert operatives of the 30k space marine legions. They come equipped with cameleoline, be it in...

Talk to the union rep…

 Over the past week I've gotten more of the Displayboard aka my trial o torture finished up. The lights are now completely run and wired and all I need to do is get the final programming done. Thankfully Scott is working on that 8) .. for one that's not my bag...