A little bit of craziness.

I started lockdown in a really productive mood. I was posting on here more or less daily and I churned out a ridiculous amount of progress in a short space of time. I think I might have burned myself out a little though, asI've entered a bit of a slump for the last...

40k Terrain from Trash – Industrial Building

Like most of you, over this period, I have had more time for hobby than in the last three years combined (probably).I have always wanted to do some terrain from trash and again like many of you I have hoarded vast amounts of stuff in the 'I will use that one day'...

The State of my 40k (yes this is includes a rant).

o/(kicks the dust off of this ol' blog to see if its still alive...)So, the State of my 40k, my on-again off-again series where I usually just whine/rant about 40k. Rather than just focus on any one army this time I think I'll just do an overview of all of them. Big...

NOVA is almost here..

 Which means I'm pretty much losing my mind. This addition to my displayboard is making me nuts haha.. Because of health issues I was way behind this year so I'm even farther against the wall. I'm actually under the wall 8) But it is coming along.The second floor...