by CrAzY424 | Nov 17, 2014
40k Conquest has been a huge hit around here, and we are all looking forward to the warpacks! I’ve been playing Eldar/Dark Eldar the majority of the time, but have recently switched the Chaos. Here is why.Chaos are awesome! It’s a complete shift away from the control...
by CrAzY424 | Oct 9, 2014
Conquest is here! The latest 40k related released from Fantasy Flight Games has landed into stores and has begun to suck up our sweet gaming money. Let me start out by saying that the game is GREAT. Here is why: There is no doubt that the 40k fluff is one of the...
by CrAzY424 | Sep 17, 2014
ALRIGHT, well this is what we really have been waiting for.....a proper video explaining how this game plays: are still a few weeks out from this, but most of us are pretty psyched!
by CrAzY424 | Sep 8, 2014
For anyone looking to check out conquest, look...
by CrAzY424 | Aug 31, 2014
Alright, so it was fine time that I took at look at Warhammer 40k Conquest, and to be honest, it looks awesome!I never really thought 40k could work as a card game, however I think FFG has done a really great job. Obviously I haven't played it yet, but all of the...