Warhammer Chaos Nurgle Daemons

Warhammer Chaos Nurgle Daemons

I have almost finished my 40K Nurgle army. The last units to complete the detachment are some allied daemons.One more unit to go and the base on my Titan to paint and  I am done, done, never call me mother.The irony is that I don't play 40K at the moment. The...

Nurgle Chaos Marine Army

Decided to have a review of the troops so put my Nurgle Chaos Marine Army on parade.I have three large units of marines, two units of cultists (one somewhat mutated), two dreadnoughts, a daemon prince, two sorcerers, a warlord, two tanks, a defiler, a blight drone, a...

Nurgle Chaos Titan

Well yere 'tiz, the Nurgle Titan only four years late for the Siege of Vraks, a bit like the British Army at Khartoum.Now waiting for basing material wot I ordered.Toodle Pip.

Titan Build – Roof On.

The roof sections are finished. I only have to put in the ventilator ducts. Next are the cables from the hull to the plasma cannon and to the head. This is a little tricky as they have to be heat bent into place.The final act is to base the monster. It is heavy,...