Kitbashed Nurgle Plagueburst Crawler

Many Black Moons ago, I purchased a second-hand Nurgle-painted Rhino off eBay in an effort to give my plague marines some mobility. I tarted it up a bit and then abandoned the model when the rules changed and transports became death traps.However, I had a spare...

Death Guard Blightlord Terminators

I have a rather large Deathguard army, including a Titan, but somehow never got around to acquiring terminators - so I was pleased to see the release of the Blightlord set.The models are nice but one thing struck me upon building them. If one compares one of the new...

Death Guard, The Flyblown, Flylord

Meet the Flylord, leader of the Flyblown, my unit of Blightlord Terminators.He has been well 'blessed' by Nurgle for his devotion to the cause of entropy.A sword crackling with rust and the power of Nurgle.Combi bolter.

Blight Kings

I recently decided my Nurgle Daemon Army needed more punch so acquired some Blight Kings.At a pinch, they could also serve as Nurgle terminators, assuming I ever play 40K again.I like these models: they are full of character. Of course that rather depends whether the...