My New Warboss And Nob Biker Conversions Part 2

Well it looks like the end is near in sight, and the unit is about 90% complete and I have made a few changes, to a couple of things. So I wonder who's going to be the first one to notice what they are.I think this is the best bit of the hobby that I really like, is...

More Progress Of My Converted Nob Bikers.

So with no opponent to play tonight with my local gaming group it give me a little bit more time to spend on these Nob's, so it's time for another updateIt's the first time these guys have been together and they are looking quite menacing.So now the boss has something...

My New Warboss And Nob Bike’s Conversions

With 40k 6th edition released there's no better time to start nob bikers, accompanied with a new war boss. So with that in mind I started converting more of these bad boys to add to my collection. So below you will see some of the most recent pictures I have taken of...