Bushido: Bunkermitzu 2014!

Yesterday was the second annual Bunkermitzu Bushido tournament, this year held at 4TK Gaming in Colchester. Numbers were down a few on last year with inflexible work shifts and sudden child related sickness defeating a number of sign ups at the end but we still...

Flight of Angels

Bit of a painting frenzy today, both at home on my Cyriss and at 4tkgamings open day... 4 rounds of speed painting with 3 atrocious marines and a unique high elf were a great laugh to do. Jacob had a great time smashing the forces of chaos in an apocalypse mega battle...

4Tk Dark Vengence & Heroes for Heroes Combine!

A while ago 4tkgaming asked me to paint up their Ltd Ed Chaplain Seraphicus from the Dark Vengence set as their entry for the Heroes for Heroes event i set up. With the gwemberlies being ill, my fiance being ill and grief with my work its taken a while to get it...

Skornergy is not an option!

Since my bloody babies have had me up since 3am today, ive had plenty of time to get some painting done... and these are the fruits of my labours hehe   Cyclops Shaman  Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor   This takes me up to...

4TK Dark Vengeance: Dark Angel Characters

The last two pieces of this commission, the marine characters, are now completed. 4TK are very happy with my work so i shall be delivering them to their shop on wednesday night.  Dark Angel Captain  Dark Angel Librarian    I...