Palladian Guard in 6mm

You read that correctly.  The Palladian Guard are back... in 6mm. A while ago I reflected on the way historical, non-28mm gaming has all but taken over this blog, and how I wanted to update the background material for my 40K army, the Palladian Guard.  Well, it's time...

Last Stand at L’Armee Farm: WWI Battle Report

Hello everyone, and welcome to a new battle report in our latest Supercampaign: Storm of Steel.  After the exertions of our recent games, this is a nice simple side campaign we're running to relax before the big games we have planned for next year. This is the...

Battle Report: The Civil Wars In Scotland

Yours truly, doing some experimental archeology... Some of you may recall the 6mm American Civil War rules I wrote - detailed rules for regimental-level combat, with a focus on period battlefield tactics and drill.  We used these to refight every battle in which the...

Odds and Ends

Tidying things up at the end of the year, I find a few photos sitting around that I have yet to share. Some are old bits of work refreshed, others are wholly new. Without further ado, here we go. First off, a huge load of hedges I made some months back. Quantity was...

6mm BCW New Model Army Regiment

Time for a quick update today.  I posted a photo of my half-finished British Civil Wars regiment, Col. Overton's Regiment of Foote.  I was lucky enough to go to a reenactment of the Battle of Dunbar earlier this month, which has spurred me on to finish these off and...