7th Scansin (Scout Platoon) – Finished

"Sir the scouts report seeing enemy movement on the left flank. Initial reports estimate Platoon size force attempting to move up between us and the nineteenth."   "When was this reported?"  Col. Sunderland asked as he strolled through his command tent.,...

Brevet Col. Sunderland – 7th Scansin

 Brevet Col. Joesev Sunderland is one of the many "Highborn" officers serving throughout the Regiments founded by the planet Scansin. After completing his time in the Officer Training Battalion then 3rd Lieutenant Sunderland not only volunteered but fought his...

Defense of Avenweddon: Operation Stonewall

After suffering heavy losses on the eastern flank by Battle Group 525 the 4224th Imperial Guard army called a halt prior to the coming of winter. The Lord General wanted to ensure that all three Battle Groups would be able to make the final push into the peninsula in...

7th Scansin (Scout Platoon)

Every Infantry regiment founded on Scansin, has at least one Scout Platoon.  These troopers usually scout out ahead of the main formation and relay information back to Regimental Command.  Experts in the art of reconnaissance and stealth, these troopers work...

Infantry, it’s never enough.

And I finally finished up yet another squad.  Sgt. Burcham with  2nd Squad, 1st Platoon, 9th Company, 7th Scansin.   Only one more squad to go and I'll have 1st Platoon done.  Not to sure if I'll do up the entire 9th Company, as that would...