Battle Force Challenge Update – FAILURE

Yep. I failed. I thought I could finish my all infantry Deathwing force by the end of June. As it turns out, I had really over-committed myself this time. I did however manage to get the majority of it done, and in all fairness this is more than a 1500 point army! I...

Battle Force Challenge Update – FAILURE

Yep. I failed. I thought I could finish my all infantry Deathwing force by the end of June. As it turns out, I had really over-committed myself this time. I did however manage to get the majority of it done, and in all fairness this is more than a 1500 point army! I...

Battle Force Challenge Updates and More

It's been a few months since I lasted posted anything to the blog. In fact, it's been a while for most of us here at The Istvaanians. We wrapped up the Battle for Stones River in the beginning of March, and managed to have 82 players show up this year! The months...

Battle Force Challenge Updates and More

It's been a few months since I lasted posted anything to the blog. In fact, it's been a while for most of us here at The Istvaanians. We wrapped up the Battle for Stones River in the beginning of March, and managed to have 82 players show up this year! The months...

Battle Force Challenge Update #3: Black Templars FINISHED!!

Well, somehow I managed to never post a single update, work in progress shot, or even an army list for this entire project! After completing my Orks at the end of September, I mentioned that I was going to start working my through all of the Warhammer 40K armies in...