by TheGraveMind | Mar 26, 2013
By TheGravemind So back a little bit before christmas, I got myself some battlefoam for my tyranids. I had be reluctant because I wasn't sure how everything would fit, and I had to get the 1520 XL to carry my tourney list. But tyranids being all spindly and large as...
by TastyTaste | Mar 7, 2013
“I worshipped money so much that it ruined my life. money is not my god. I just want to manage His money for Him, for the poor people, the lost kids. I just love everybody.” --Brian Welch Continue reading →
by Sgt. Brisbane | Oct 24, 2012
Customer service is driving me nuts. I'm on email 15 or so and I can't get Battlefoam to replace a Conquest foam that is no good. They gave me the run around and now they're giving the retailer I purchased from the run around.This could get me to drop them. For such a...
by Feldmarshal Goehring | Aug 24, 2012
The video contains a review of my Battlefoam army transport and storage system.I could not be more pleased with it, and I would recommend Battlefoam to anyone who is looking to transport or store an army safely.