by deathkorps | Feb 27, 2014
What a relief. I have to admit I'm getting a little tired of painting Gors and things with fur. I'm just thrilled that everything is done in time for tomorrow's final Throwdown at Hobby Forge. Thanks everyone for the encouragement and feedback. Despite this being...
by deathkorps | Feb 19, 2014
Well, I'm close to finishing the initial 2000 point Beastmen army. A week from tomorrow will be the final, overall army throwdown, and this painting odyssey will be done. Over the last couple weeks I have finished my Bestigors, as well as my chariot (below) and my...
by deathkorps | Jan 17, 2014
Got this beast done this afternoon for tonight's Throwdown, and getting right into a unit of Bestigors this weekend. Here's a few more pics of my latest progress- thanks for checking it out! :)