Better Know a Blogger- Part 14: The Path of an Outcast

This week's Better Know a Blogger features Pawel (AKA Swordmaster) from "The Path of an Outcast". I first came across Swordmaster's blog when I was getting back into Warhammer Fantasy and was looking for some Vampire Counts battle reports to get hints and tips on...

Better Know a Blogger- Part 13: Broken Paintbrush

This week's Better Know a Blogger features Joe B from Broken Paintbrush.I had seen Broken Paintbrush pop up on the Faeit 212 blogroll from time to time, but had never got round to clicking on the link to see the impressive work going on there. It wasn't until I...

Better Know a Blogger- Part 12: The Roost of Turkadactyl

This week's Better Know a Blogger features Alexander from the blog "The Roost of Turkadactyl". Unusually, Alex's blog started as a travel blog (more on this below), but has now progressed into a great 40k blog. I think I first became aware of Alex's blog when I saw...

Better Know a Blogger- Part 11: Creative Twilight

This week's Better Know a Blogger features Tony Stanley (AKA Thor) from Creative Twilight. Straight from the horse's mouth, Creative Twilight is "a multi-author wargaming/gaming blog with a big hobby focus on painting, modeling, and even tutorials. We play Warhammer...

Better Know a Blogger- Results!

Just a quick post this evening. WestRider sent me an email now too long ago saying "My pageviews recently. Thanks!" with the attached photo. There's no scale on the y-axis, so I'm just going to assume it is in hundreds of thousands ;)I assume the spike is when I...