Better Know a Blogger- Part 10: Cascadian Grimdark

This week's Better Know a Blogger features Peter (AKA WestRider) from Cascadian Grimdark.  WestRider is a relative newbie to the 40k blogging world, but no doubt you will have seen him pop up in your comments section, usually with informative rules corrections or...

Better Know a Blogger- Part 9: Objective Secured

This week's Better Know a Blogger features Nathaniel (better known as NafNaf) from Objective Secured.  NafNaf was actually one of the first bloggers that I met in the flesh (so to speak) after we faced one another in the first game of Blog Wars 9. He was a really...

Better Know a Blogger- Part 8: Cadian Shock/Warhammer 40K Blog

ATTEN-SHUN! Good grief, is that the best you can do, you 'orrible lot? I've seen Orks with better parade ground muster than that. Now listen up, boys, by the benevolence of the great God Emperor of mankind his very self, today we have a special guest to talk to...

Better Know a Blogger- Part 7: Feed Your Nerd, Greggles Tabletop

This week's Better Know a Blogger features Greg (AKA Greggles) from Feed Your Nerd, Greggles Tabletop. If you have never heard of Greggles before, then welcome to your first day of 40k blogging! When I first started blogging, Greggles was everywhere. You could always...

Better Know a Blogger- Part 6: Confessions of a 40k addict

This week's Better Know a Blogger featured Dave from Confessions of a 40k Addict.  As I also said with From the Fang, I would consider Confessions of a 40k addict to be one of the UK's premier blogs (if not worldwide). In fact, if you google "40k blog",...