Better Know a Blogger-Part 5: Old School Gaming

This week, Marc from "Old School Gaming" took the time to answer my questions for Better Know a Blogger. Marc.Marc blogs from the other side of the globe, writing and gaming from Sydney, Australia. I think what first brought me to Old School Gaming was a picture of...

Better Know a Blogger- Part 4: From the Fang

The latest in my series of Better Know a Blogger features Alex, who writes "From the Fang". I hope he won't mind me saying, but I consider From the Fang to be one of the UK's premier 40k blogs, with a huge following and excellent content. I think what first brought me...

Better Know a Blogger- Part 3: Darksun Life

Welcome to the third article of my (hopefully) ongoing series- Better Know a Blogger. In this series, I am asking various 40k bloggers to ask some set questions to get to know them a bit better and see what got them into the hobby and what makes them tick....

Better Know a Blogger- Part 2: The Burning Eye

Welcome to the second article of my (hopefully) ongoing series- Better Know a Blogger. In this series, I am asking various 40k bloggers to ask some set questions to get to know them a bit better and see what got them into the hobby and what makes them tick.This week's...