Ork Mortars from Bitspudlo

 A while back I went looking to fill a gap in my Ork Lobbas.  I have three of the Forgeworld models magnetized to swap out between field carriages and the weapon mounts of the Gargantuan Squiggoth and I wanted another three in case I decided to use the...
Bitspudlo Wolf Re-Visit

Bitspudlo Wolf Re-Visit

Hi everyone,Today I am giving a quick re-review of the Bitspudlo wolf.  I am revisiting this subject because I want to compare it to the GW Thunder Wolf.I have taken shots from front and back, both sides and from the top; just like I did with the Basicks wolf. So...

Review : Bitspudlo Storm Wolf

Hi everyone,Today I would like to do a quick review of a miniature I bought recently, and which I always wanted since I first saw it.  It is one of Bitspudlo's Storm Wolves.  Now I know that GW have their own Thunder Wolves in plastic, but I like the idea of...

Bitspudlo link

As per request here is the link to Bitspudlo, I also added the link in the tool bar on the left. They carry bits from various manufacturers, but also have their own line of useful stuff - you'll find that under the, bitsbox.eu - section.Bitspudlo.comI also...