Black Gate Miniatures: Ogres Kickstarter is a go!!!

As the title says, the 10mm Ogres kickstarter i mentioned a while ago has begun and at this moment is nearly funded!I managed to get Barry away from the forges for a little more info on it, Ogres and Black Gate Miniatures as a whole:Readers will have seen the preview...

Black Gate Miniatures: Preview Ogres painted!

I've painted up the first of the preview Ogres i was given by Black Gate Miniatures:I've done them in the same style as my army for Age of Sigmarines, and i have to say they were really nice to work with being large enough to paint singularly like small warhammer...

Spotlight: Black Gate Miniatures 10mm Ogres Range

Black Gate Miniatures is a new venture by my mate and painting client Barry Pittman, co host of the awesome Warmaster.Podcast, a great listen not just on 10mm gaming but also banter and hobby content.When Barry mentioned he was looking at producing some models and...