Black Sheep Brawl IV List

It's t-minus 2 weeks until the 4th annual Black Sheep Brawl and I can't wait.  I'll be bringing Wood Elves once again and if we go by Swedish Comp score its a measly 16!Going to focus on eliminating specific units and characters per turn and take advantage of the...

Bretonnian Trebuchet’s – finished #steakbet

I have finished the two Bretonnian Trebuchet's for my 2400/2800 point Bretonnian army for the Black Sheep Brawl on January 19th and WFB OFCC in June of 2013.  The actual war machines took longer than the crew for some reason, I'm hazarding a guess...

Black Sheep Brawl 2013 – Registration Open

The Order of the Black Sheep have opened registration for their 2nd Annual Black Sheep Brawl for Warhammer Fantasy.  Last year was the first year for the event where yours truly walked away with Best Overall with the Wood Elves.  I fully recommend everyone...