10th Edition Black Templars

 10th Edition has been kind to the Black Templars, the Emperor’s own Holy Bearzerkers. I’m here to highlight some of the top tips and combos for playing this faction in the new edition.The first subject to discuss is their inherent resiliency. While we have lost...

Choosing your Black Templar HQs

 HQs are vital to running a tight list and Black Templars have some serious solid choices. What’s best for you depends on what you want to do with your army. Here are some abilities I want:+ Chapter Master Rerolls -> Makes your Eradicators armed with heavy...

Heavy Support for Black Templars

 While Black Templars are primarily an assault army, some ranged shooting that can deal effectively with enemy armor is critical. Eradicators are my go to choice and I typically I run a five man squad with four heavy melta rifles and one multi-melta. That’s 12...

How to 20 man Primaris Crusader Squad

How to 20 man Primaris Crusader SquadI finally was able to play a good game versus Chaos Knights to test my new list with a 20 man Primaris Crusader squad. I run them as follows:Sword Brother -  master crafted power axe & heavy bolt pistol4x Initiate -...