"As I walk through the valley… "

Time for next update on my Black Templar Castellan and his merry Sword Brerthrens.Hmm I should take a look at my bitz-box to see if I have any Holy Hand Grenades left.Anyway on to the update itself.Trying my hand at some special effects, I'm not the master of OSL but...
Templars update

Templars update

Yet another quick update.I don't want to spoil the suprise so instead of just saying what I want to do with the base I will show some tutorials I found that should help me achive my desierd effect - or I will just fail miserably. Oh well.FIrst one is this Massive...
Miniature updates – 02102012

Miniature updates – 02102012

Hi!Almost done with moving the shop to the new location so it is a time for a little break to show you guys what i've been up to - at least hobby wise :)I'm still working on Freedom Strike - but took a little break from it for now. Instead i've been working on 2...

New Recruits: Black Templars

The days of painting Salamanders for Adepticon have waned. In the immortal words of Alice C., "School's out for Summer!" And, for the moment, I'm still unemployed. Throw in a much-appreciated invitation to participate in an Apocalyptic reprisal of the 3rd Battle for...
WIP “Young Helbrecht” Sneek Peek

WIP “Young Helbrecht” Sneek Peek

For an upcoming campaign, I'm painting and adding new models to my Crimson Fists army so that I can play a 3000 point all deep strike list.I'm going to need a Helbrecht counts - as; and it just so happens that I have his headless body, with distinctive back-slung...