Review: AE WWII Soviet Psi Starter Force by Blackball Games

Hi again readers. It's finally time for my third AE: WWII review for Blackball Games I know there has been abit of a break between these but sooo much has come up recently. Today we will be having a look at the - Soviet Psi Starter Force  The Soviet Psi force...

Review: AE WWII German Geneticists Starter Force

Time for my second review on the AE WWII Starter forces from Blackball Games. The more I look into this game, the more I like it. That cant be a bad thing. Today I will be running over the  - German Geneticists Starter Force Above you can see the packaging of the...

Review: AE WWII American Sci-Tech Starter Force

Recently I was chatting to the guys at Blackball Games and they asked if I would like to do a couple of reviews for AE WWII. After a quick look at the site and eyeing up all the 'Weird World War' goodies, I obviously said 'Go on then!' I didn't know very much about...