Touching cloth: sculpting folds of fabric in greenstuff 

Hello there! I’ve been sculpting a hell of a lot of cloth for my necromunda gangs lately and received quite a few messages asking how I go about ... touching cloth.So here we go!Tool list:•Two bits of clear plastic (the plastic from the clam shell packages...

Van Saar: The dust gate orb weavers Finished!

After a bloody age of these guys sitting on my desk I've only gone and finished them! And I'm really happy with how they came out.As it's been 7 months since I did the concept for them I'll recap whats been done.Each one has padding sculpted between the hips, neck,...

Salute, Robots and Raffles last day!

I've lit the fuse on my Stompy War Bastards army! Sent into pacify a planet before a hive tower was built the army will be pulling itself out of the rad-wastes in the underhive! Cannot get enough of these models. And I have a lot more sitting on my desk begging for a...

The Evesor Assassin Pt:2

I've had an incredible response to this project from facebook and G+ painting communities so far! Even seen a few versions of him starting to circulate! Which is truly humbling! Coming up to the magical 100k unique views and nearly 100 followers! So lets keep the ball...
Im In Visions!

Im In Visions!

Pretty momentous thing that I haven't even bothered writing on my blog. I probably should have written it on my blog as soon as the pre-orders came up but it completely passed me by.Anyway, with its release this Saturday, and my 14 page Blanchjitsu article firmly...