Weemen at Blog Wars 5

Hi guys, sorry about the late posting – been really busy since Blog Wars. Anyway, I’ll start by saying BW5 is probably been the best one yet, so a massive thanks to Alex for organising it again (you should start doing this professionally…or at least make some money...

After Action Thoughts on Tau – BW5 Edition

So as you may have read in Tuesday's battle reports, my Tau cadre did reasonably well against some less than ideal opposing armies. I didn't get to play anyone who simply rushed headlong at me but rather had to be pretty manoeuvrable to take the fight to them. Here's...

Blog Wars 5 – My Battle Reports

Head back a few posts to find my army list. I'll keep the battle reports short this time (or at least I'll try - I failed!). I'll be writing up some more in-depth after action thoughts about my Tau list in a separate post.Game One - Tau vs. Space MarinesMike had...

Blog Wars 5 Painting Competition (pic heavy)

Alongside the tournament itself I always run a two part painting competition. The first part is the obligatory Best Painted Army whereas the second is part of Blog Wars' focus on Special Characters namely Best Painted Special Character. As ever there were some...

Blog Wars 5 – The Aftermath (and 200 followers!)

Before I go any further I wanted to point out that at the start of the year one of my resolutions was to push for 200 followers. Well we're about half way through 2013 and I'm up to 200 today!! I'll have to look through my other resolutions and see how I'm getting on...