My Tau Army for Blog Wars 5

Well folks, we're only a few days away from the 5th installment of Blog Wars. I've been painting away since the new Tau codex came out and I've now got everything up to a decent table top standard. Everything is above the three colour minimum and is at a point where...

Iron Warriors Blog Wars 5 List

Hi all – it’s Blog Wars 5 this weekend and I thought I would share my list ahead of the tournament.As normal for Blog Wars, it’s not a competitive list, although I hope it has a few mean units. It’s not actually the list I would like to take; ideally there would have...

Blog Wars 5 Prize Announcement!!

This is the bit I look forward to the most. Heading down to my FLGS (Wargames Emporium in Sheffield - 20% off GW prices) and drop a pile of items on the counter. So here we have it, the prize haul for Blog Wars 5. Just by showing up you're entitled to win one of these...

Armies at Blog Wars 5 with Pie Charts!!

Who doesn't love a good pie chart eh? Well even if it's just me I'm using them anyway. The army lists all came in over the weekend and they've all been checked through. If you haven't heard back from me it means that there were no issues with your list. Sorry I didn't...

Get 25% off 40K stuff at Blog Wars!

Just a quick update. I've been speaking to Darren at the North West Gaming Centre where Blog Wars 5 will be held on 22nd June. Everything is confirmed for the day which is the first bit of news but the other thing is that as I mentioned at the time, all attendees get...