Heralds of Fenris

The Heralds of Fenris, or the Wolves of Ruin. Anyway, this post is about my Space Wolves Kill team for our first Heralds of Ruin test match. We have a long tradition of playing Kill Team tournaments in our gaming club and this time we would like to test these new...

Before the Watch

You might remember my take on Drenn Redblade some weeks ago for our planed Deathwatch Overkill event. As I’ve said back then I planed to convert my own version – Brandr Redblade – and show him in his younger days when his duty in the Watch was still...

Drenn Redblade

I am pretty sure you’ve all seen the marvelous board tiles my club mate Rekrom came up with recently for the new Deathwatch Overkill game. I am more than hot to test them with my own Space Marine. That’ll be just like Warhammer Quest where each club member...

Painting: No Time, No Skills, No Problem!

Painting your army is more important than you know.  Not only does it make the game a more engrossing experience, but the dice gods favor a painted model.  Don’t try to argue this, it’s a fact!  Before I give you a solution to this problem, let’s take...

40K Modeling with a Purpose!

Many of you may know the story of Prometheus, the Greek Titan who stole fire from the gods and gifted it to Man.  What you may not know is that Prometheus (foresight) and his brother Epimetheus (hindsight) were charged with the creation of all life on earth. Ever...