The Year of the Wolf (11)

Nick speaking,The next unit to be painted in my 13th Company Space Wolves army, also needed a few extra conversions from what I did when I built them, ten years ago. This unit started life off as Storm Claws (Blood Claws) in the Eye of Terror Codex, but I am now...

Distracted by Rhinos…pt2

What better thing to do on a 4th of July than parade your armies about? Well since I had no plans at all on the 4th, and it was for the most part a rainy day, I stayed in to paint models. Instead of finishing that regiment of Fantasy Orcs, I found myself painting...
How to… Paint Space Wolves Quickly, AKA…

How to… Paint Space Wolves Quickly, AKA…

I seem to have snapped out of the hobby funk I had been languishing in recently. Helped in part by our move from the desolate wastelands of the Southside suburbs back to the North of the city, and familiar territories. While it is only a temporary set up, a measure of...