Dismember December – Slaughterpriest

Showcase - Dismember Decemberby Luko DakkaHere is my take on Dismember December, although joking with the others, it should really be for New Years Evil as I was finishing this guy off on the eve of 2017.Painting wise I used the airbrush for priming, base colours and...

Dismember December ………By Bluddtoof

So I finally got my entry completed after a long period of having no mojo for painting. I'm pleased with the finished model and love the palette I went with. Oddly enough it's very similar to my Imperial Knight! I only realised as I was nearing completion. I obviously...
Revenge for The Blood God – Khorne vs Space Wolves

Revenge for The Blood God – Khorne vs Space Wolves

Hi all,Red Mist here again with the updates on my Khone army as promised.Doc and myself have had many battle over the years, one such game was a confrontation betwwen my Khorne Berzerkers and Docs Space Wolves.After a lot of hacking the Wolves were victorious, but not...

The Best Laid Plans…

As the day of The Move trundles ever closer with all the inevitability of a Baneblade, I’m getting less and less time to devote to anything remotely hobby-related. This afternoon, after a mammoth trip to the local recycling centre, I decided to reward myself by...

Getting Technical

This morning a parcel of hobby goodness arrived at my desk. I’m really looking forward to trying these out. If I’m able, I’ll post a brief review this weekend.